Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Gift orders & Aubrey's 4th grade graduation

It has been a long while since my last post. I'm not being a good blogger, now am I? Today I have some gift orders that I will be putting together. A cute wooden soap crate with a couple of bars of soap in them that I will shrink wrap. I think I need to get some shredded craft paper to give the gift more bulk. This is my first time using the crates. So lots of anxiety to achieve perfection first time around. The creative gift wrapping fairy needs to visit me! I will post pictures later.

I have to get my Aubrey an outfit for her 4th grade graduation. I can't believe my baby girl is growing up and growing so fast! I will miss this one day. The only thing we can do is enjoy the time we have together, give her encouragement and be here when she needs me.